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Corporate Profile

Our People Are Our
Greatest Asset

Our Board of Directors

Todd Dremver, President

Todd Dremver - Co-Founder & President

Born in Cicero, Indiana, Todd is a highly successful software technology engineer with a Doctorial Fellowship in Non-Conformic Virtual DNA (Cunningham University). After completing his doctoral thesis at The Mathematics School, Todd led an international team at BASF Aktiengesellschaft in Ludwigshafen, where a lucky gut feeling helped him single-handedly invent the Bookmark. Todd realilzed the business possibilities of the Bookmark, and was able to purchase the technology from his employers and strike off on his own. This was Todd's first successful entrepreneurial venture - he later sold the technology to an undisclosed large software company (based in Seattle) for a handsome sum, as well as residuals.

Hobbies have always been important to Todd, and he has gained international recognition for his finely crafted musical paperweights, which currently adorn the desks of fans the likes of Randy Newman, Mark Spitz, and Prunella Scales.

Todd and his wife Barbie have been happy citizens of Vancouver, B.C. since they fell in love with it at a paperweight-designers' convention.

Glen Stamwork - CEO

Glen Stamwork - Co-Founder & C.E.O.

Born in the small town of Shawnee, Salt Lick Township, Ohio, Glen is an experienced software executive who has founded and led several software companies since the mid-1980s. He is an engineering graduate of the Universite Omar Bongo in Gabon and holds an MBA from Estonian Business School. He then went on to graduate work at the Tijuana Bartending School, becoming a member of the board of the prestigious Mexico Bartending Schools and Hotel & Restaurant Hospitality Training and Bartenders Associations. He subsequently joined the Ph.D. program of the Chemical Engineering department of the University of Ridlington, MA, completed his Masters there and proceeded to the Computer Science department where he worked in the field of Artificial Intelligence on a joint Chemical Engineering/Computer Science/Animal Husbandry effort funded by DuPont and others.

A highly sought-after speaker, Glen received a "top 100 speaker" award at Internet World. He has lectured at universities and pre-schools, served as an expert witness, and has been a frequent talk radio guest. He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Post, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Wired, and many other national publications.

Glen served in the United States Marine Corps (honorable discharge), and is active, with his wife, Faith Sunset, in historic preservation and is an avid supporter of the often contraversial Animal Baptism Society (TABS). They both immigrated to Canada in 1995 and have lived in Vancouver, B.C. ever since.
